Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Court date!!

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 Almost exactly one year after we first found out about Lance and felt that urgent call to bring him home to our family we were given a long awaited and much prayed for court date.

OCTOBER 29 at 9:30

What does this mean?   This means that on October 29th, two precious little boys half way around the world in a little country in Eastern Europe will become LEGALLY ours!  They will be given our last name and for the first time in their earthly lives will BELONG!

Do we have to be there for court?  We do not have to be there for court.  Our attorney in country will represent us.

What happens after court?  We will wait for an official birth certificate with their new names and travel dates!!!

When will GOTCHA day be?   While I really wish I could say it will be November and they will be home in time for Thanksgiving, it is far more likely that I will go for pick up the beginning of December.  We will only find out our travel dates after the birth certificate has been issued and probably be about 2 weeks after court.



  1. Oh Melissa! This is soooo wonderful! We are living vicariously through you guys right now as we are still awaiting our first trip date! Praising the Lord with you and praying for you all, too! What a day of rejoicing this will be!!!!
    Love from NH!
    The Winslow Gang!

    1. I've been anxiously waiting to hear about when you go to meet your babies! Thank you for your prayers, I miss my guys soo very much. It is has been a long year +
